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What the heck is a "Professional" Mum Maker anyway?

The first time I thought to myself that I wanted to make Homecoming Mums, it was really just for the love of the craft. I thought this will be a cool hobby while I built my career. Little did I know 18 years later not only would I consider myself a professional but I would share my story and teach others how to do the same. But what exactly does it mean when we say "Professional" Mum Maker? How does that distinction come about? What makes someone a Professional?

Well, its just like any other professional. A professional is defined as a person engaged or qualified. It also means we have trained, prepared and readied ourselves for business. Professional mum makers take about 1-2 months off a year after the season is completed to recuperate and regain sanity. You see, mum season for a Pro starts in about Dec/Jan with simple planning. Usually this is the time to take an overall view of the year. How you have done financially? What trends have you noticed? What processes need changing? Whats in Inventory? What new products will be available for the upcoming season? Does pricing require any adjustment? The list goes on and on and on. From that point it is go time, buying, prepping and organizing for 90 days of madness. For most mum makers, this is not their day job. Most of us have careers outside of mums. We are network engineers, artists, real estate agents, accountants, graphic designers and much much more.

Quality of craftsmanship and established business practices are key traits of a professional in this business. Prices and Styles are clearly defined. We have trained ourselves to become experts at our craft and to provide a truly custom experience. What makes us different? The details make us different. Every moment, every cut, every sticker or piece of bling perfectly in its place is the sign of craftsmanship. The type of craftsmanship that one would expect from a skilled artist. From start to finish our customers are covered with the best available in supplies and quality design. Every year custom designers up their game with new designs, new braids, new ways to incorporate something special into what we do and love. That is not something you find on every corner or marketplace. It takes a true love for this tradition to bring out the best in any designer.

Overall when you are selecting your mum designer, you want to make sure to find a professional who can create or rather translate your mum dream into a reality. If you need to find a professional in your area, please click here to view a list of professional mum makers by location. Mums Inc. members are some of the finest designers in the state of Texas. With any of us, you are in the hands of the best.

Till next time friends,

Kisha Clark


Mums Inc.

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